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All the technical and safety data sheets, guides, declaration of performance, certificates and more can be accessed via our handy download centre.  Either download a single document, or save to your basket to download multiple documents at once.

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IB_GS202_CE-mark_long_en-GB_v1.pdf Declaration of Performance
IB_GS202_CE-mark_short_en-GB_v1.pdf Declaration of Performance
IB_GS202_DOP_CE_en-GB_v1.pdf Declaration of Performance
IB_GS202_DOP_UKCA_en-GB_v1.pdf Declaration of Performance
IB_GS241_DOP_CE_en-GB_v5.pdf Declaration of Performance
IB_GS241_DOP_UKCA_en-GB_v5.pdf Declaration of Performance
IB_GS300_CE-mark_long_en-GB_v3.pdf Declaration of Performance
IB_GS300_CE-mark_short_en-GB_v3.pdf Declaration of Performance
IB_GS300_DOP_UKCA_en-GB_v3.pdf Declaration of Performance
IB_GS360_DOP_CE_en-GB_v3.pdf Declaration of Performance
IB_GS360_DOP_UKCA_en-GB_v3.pdf Declaration of Performance
IB_LD730_CE-mark_long_en-GB_v2.pdf Declaration of Performance